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US Army


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Few people have ever heard of Baraque de Fraiture, a small crossroads in western Belgium that became known as "Parker's Crossroads" in 1944, but it's been compared with The Alamo and King Leonidas ("This! Is! SPARTA!"). This now-quiet location was the scene of an epic defense by remnants of the 106th Infantry and 589th Field Artillery Battalion after the initial devastating German thrust in the Battle of the Bulge. In sub-zero temperatures and icy fog, a small band of 300 Americans made their stand here around three artillery pieces and a handful of machine guns, holding off an enemy force several times their size. Essentially surrounded, many Americans were captured and others barely escaped, but their actions inflicted catastrophic casualties on Nazi forces, sucking the wind out of the sails of their advance and buying time for Allied forces to mount an effective defense.


