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German Leadership

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Photographic images of the German leadership in WWII.

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Nazi dignitaries aboard

Nazi dignitaries aboard

Hitler and his entourage

Hitler and his entourage

Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring

Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring

Visiting the troops

Visiting the troops

Review of Italian sailors

Review of Italian sailors

Onward to conquest

Onward to conquest

General Dietl in Namsos, Norway

General Dietl in Namsos, Norway

Informing the Führer

Informing the Führer

Windy day

Windy day

Will the Führer approve?

Will the Führer approve?

Ribbentrop and Hess

Ribbentrop and Hess

Goebbels’s corpse

Goebbels’s corpse

At the Berghof

At the Berghof

Present meets the future

Present meets the future

Visit to Brest-Litovsk

Visit to Brest-Litovsk

Visit a field kitchen

Visit a field kitchen

Big Three at the Berghof

Big Three at the Berghof

Visit by Hitler and Mussolini

Visit by Hitler and Mussolini

Visiting the AHLD

Visiting the AHLD

High ranking visitors

High ranking visitors

Follow the future Leader

Follow the future Leader

The Führer with staff

The Führer with staff

The Führer pays a visit

The Führer pays a visit

Lt. Gen. Hanns Rauter

Lt. Gen. Hanns Rauter

Not a wounded soldier

Not a wounded soldier

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