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Finnish Forces

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Winter War trophies

Winter War trophies

Loading the machine gun

Loading the machine gun

Loading the anti-tank weapon

Loading the anti-tank weapon

Captured sniper rifle

Captured sniper rifle

Prepare for river crossing

Prepare for river crossing

Battle of the Svir river area

Battle of the Svir river area

Disabled Soviet column

Disabled Soviet column

Finnish forward outpost

Finnish forward outpost

Situation in the Winter War

Situation in the Winter War

Captured sniper rifle

Captured sniper rifle

Finnish soldiers with POWs

Finnish soldiers with POWs

Downed Soviet fighter plane

Downed Soviet fighter plane

Ski troops inspect Soviet tank

Ski troops inspect Soviet tank

Pilots with a Hurricane aircraft

Pilots with a Hurricane aircraft



Russian POWs

Russian POWs

First flag at the three-country cairn

First flag at the three-country cairn

Maxim machine gun in action

Maxim machine gun in action

Winter War

Winter War

Safe return to home base

Safe return to home base

Finnish soldiers in street fight

Finnish soldiers in street fight

Flamethrower supporting attack

Flamethrower supporting attack

Finnish mounted infantrymen

Finnish mounted infantrymen

In the woods of the Karelian Front

In the woods of the Karelian Front

Pistol shooting practice

Pistol shooting practice

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