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Ro 37s on Greek-Albanian front

Italian Forces

Ro 37s on Greek-Albanian front

Romeo (later Manufacturer changed denomination in IMAM) Ro 37 was a typical biplane for reco and light bombing of first '30s. It proved to be succesfully fit for these duties in Ethiopian war and in Spanish civil war. However, at the beginning of WWII, it was belated and outclassed by new aircrafts. Nevertheless it was used, especially in Balkans fronts. Of course it couldn't fly without fighter escorts, otherwise it was a yold for enemy aircrafts such as Hurricanes (for ex. 2 or 3 Ro 37s without fighters escort were downed by the the Hurricane of famous British ace T. Pattle). However, Greek and Yugoslavian partisans discovered that Ro 37 were still fully useful in anti-guerilla purposes. In first months of 1943 it was definitely withdrown from operational duties. The picture was taken in Scutari airport; note the amazing montainous landscape.


