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Rommel’s plane

German Air Force

Rommel’s plane


The General Erwin Rommel, not yet Feldmarschall, arranging his life jacket in front to his personal aircraft, somewhere in Libya. Notice also two men with life jacket, surely a Rommel’s staff officer at the center of the photo, and on the right a plane’s crewmember speaking with other German servicemen. The aircraft is a Heinkel He 111 bomber adjusted as Rommel’s transport aircraft, exactly the He 111H-6 KS (Kurierstaffel), WNr.4085 (serial number 4085), Stammkennzeichen VG+ES. The LEMB Stammkennzeichen Database Project appoint the VG+ES WNr.4085 to Stab/StG.3, Kurierstaffel, the Stab (Staff Flight) of the Stukageschwader 3. In effect the Fliegerführer Afrika’s order of battle 27 December 1941 specify a single He 111 in the strength of this Stab. Another single He 111, likely a Kurierstaffel plane, according the Fliegerführer Afrika’s order of battle April 1941, is in the strength of the Stab/StG 1, another Ju 87 equipped Geschwader. But a source affirm the WNr. 4085 destroyed by an accident during a local flight at Ain-el-Gazala on 9 August 1941, causing the death of Hptm. Josef Mies (pilot), Oblt. Karl Pfefferer (observer) and Fw. Willi Birr (engineer), and this not coincide with the previous information. According my opinion likely the He 111 destroyed at Ain-el-Gazala isn’t the WNr.4085, but rather is another He 111 (Stab/StG 1’s aircraft?). Victor Sierra


