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Wreckage of the U.S.S. Arizona

US Navy

Wreckage of the U.S.S. Arizona

Bob Landry/TIME & LIFE Pictures.

Resting Place - It's worth recalling that Japan did not limit its offensive to Pearl Harbor; on the same December day in 1941, they also attacked American forces in the Philippines. (Despite being notified of the assault on Pearl Harbor hours before Japanese forces attacked in the Philippines, Gen. Douglas MacArthur inexplicably failed to prepare his troops to respond.) Pictured: A closer look at the USS Arizona's wreckage. The Navy, which was able to salvage an astonishing number of ships damaged or sunk by the Japanese, could not fully salvage the Arizona. Today it is the site of The USS Arizona Memorial -- which straddles the ship's sunken hull and commemorates the events of that long-ago Sunday. Of the 1,177 Arizona sailors killed that day, 1,102 have the ship as their final resting place, Jan 01, 1942. Photo: Bob Landry/TIME & LIFE Pictures.


