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"Doc" Bulger, 3rd Batt. Surgeon, 90th Inf. Div.

US Army

"Doc" Bulger, 3rd Batt. Surgeon, 90th Inf. Div.

During a brief lull in the action at the Falaise Gap, Doc Bulger began nosing through some of the German wreckage. A dead Kraut driver sat in the front seat of a disabled, nondescript two-door sedan. But in the backseat, Doc discovered several briefcases. Curious, he opened one to find it packed full of baby-blue bills—1,000 Franc, French notes. Had he stumbled onto a German Division’s payroll? A life of luxury, early retirement, a debt-free, Stateside medical practice—the possibilities seemed endless. But just then, an uninvited visitor from above peered over Doc’s shoulder. A man of the cloth, Chaplain Joseph Esser, abruptly interrupted Bulger’s wistful glimpse into a privileged future. “You have to turn that in to Regiment!” Esser counseled. So much for Doc’s big dreams! He’d have to work for a living after all.


