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Roundup in Rome (2)

German Forces

Roundup in Rome (2)


German Special Police and RSI soldiers round up civilians in the aftermath of the Via Rasella attack. The "Police Eagle" emblem on the German helmets can just be made out under magnification. The laws of war at the time allowed an occuping army to exact "collective punishment" (that is to say, random reprisals) against a civilian population supposed to have assisted the enemy in attacks on the occupier. Having gotten over the "wild action" impulse, the German security authorities (that which was headed by Obergruppenfuhrer Karl Wolff, with Obersturmbannfuhrer Herbert Kappler as local Roman chief) indulged in a debate, in effect, as to what was "proportionate". This went all the way to Hitler. The final determination was that the killing of 10 Italians for every dead German was "proportionate". JR.


