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Before the Anschluss

Other Forces

Before the Anschluss

A mix of of German and Italian-built aircraft of the Austrian Air Force (Österreichische Luftstreitkräfte) likely at Graz airfield before the Anschluss. The twin engines number 301, 302 and 303 are Focke-Wulf FW.58, the camouflaged three-engines are Junkers Ju 52, the high-wing three engines in all ivory finish are Caproni Ca.133. The Austrian Air Force’s order of battle dated 11 March 1938, one day before the Anschluss (12 March 1938) is: Fliegerregiment Nr. 1, Wien: Jagdgeschwader Nr. 2 (3 Staffeln with the total of 36 Fiat CR.32bis fighter aircrafts); Aufklärungsgeschwader Nr. 1 (2 Staffeln with Romeo Ro.37 and 6 Fucke-Wulf Fw 58 "Weihe" recce planes). Fliegerregiment Nr. 2, Graz: Jagdgeschwader Nr. 1 (3 Staffeln with the total of 36 Fiat CR.32bis fighter aircrafts); Bombengeschwader Nr. 1 (2 Staffeln with 5 Caproni Ca. 133 bomber, 3 Junkers Ju-52/3m and 1 Junkers Ju-86 bomber). Schulgeschwader Nr. 1 (3 Staffels with Fiat CR.20 and CR.30 two-seat and about 20 Focke-Wulf Fw 44 "Stieglitz“). After the Anschluss the former Austrian planes was absorbed by the Luftwaffe and employed for non-active roles. Many of them was transferred to other Axis allied air forces as the Hungarian Air Force which the CR.32. Victor Sierra


