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Mr 'Odges - your country calls !


Mr 'Odges - your country calls !

H.M. Government.

Recruiting poster for Air Raid Wardens, Great Britain. These Wardens had the duty of ensuring compliance with basic air raid protection precautions (such as observance of the blackout) and low-level leadership and co-ordination of rescue and response activities in the event of an air raid. The Air Raid Wardens originally reported to the Air Raid Precautions (ARP) organisation, established in 1924 in recognition of the aerial threat to Britain in any future war signalled by the Zeppelin raids on south-eastern areas in WW1. The responsibilities of the ARP were absorbed by a new Civil Defence organisation in 1941, although the term, "ARP" continued to be used. The reference to "Civil Defence" on this poster therefore suggests a 1941/'42 date (after that, the threat posed by air raids over Britain greatly diminished). Best regards, JR.


