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Another happy family 'photo ...

German Leadership

Another happy family 'photo ...


Magda, Joseph, Uncle Adolf and the three eldest children at Obersalzburg, 1938. The same thing was happening in other families very close by. Elsewhere in the Bunker, on 24 April 1945, Dr Ernst-Robert Grawitz, Reichphysician SS und Polizei, while eating supper with his wife and two children, set off two grenades which he held under the table, killing all four. Sad for the children. Sad even for the wife - although she herself was a high Nazi office-holder (in the German Red Cross) and the daughter of a senior SS officer. As for Grawitz himself ? Harder to be sad. He was responsible for many horriffic medical experiments in the camps, notably the "airman survival" experiments involving decompression, in which many Soviet prisoners of war died. Regards, JR.


